Check out these low carb cereal options for breakfast which include hot porridge made from almond flour and coconut flour, cold cereal or granola made from nuts and seeds, and grain free granola bars.

If you miss the convenience of breakfast cereal and granola bars take a look at these great low carb cereal recipes. You won’t have to miss your oatmeal or cream of wheat with these great hot cereal recipes made from almond flour or coconut flour.
When starting a low carb keto diet, it's best to stick to breakfast basics like eggs, omelettes, quiche, breakfast meats, or even leftovers. Eating cleanly helps re-adjust the taste buds and provides the body with the nutrition it may have missed while eating the standard American diet (SAD). But anyone can get tired of bacon and eggs, so it's nice to have other options.
Do you lament the good ol’ days of pouring a bowl of your favorite cereal and milk? With many options available nowadays for low carb granola and muesli, you're sure to find a healthy replacement. Maybe you prefer the ease of a grab-and-go breakfast? Grain-free granola bars and cereal bars are sugar free and taste like the real thing!
Low Carb Cereal (hot)
Enjoy a comforting bowl of low carb hot cereal for breakfast on a chilly morning. Coconut flour porridge is very much like cream of wheat in texture and almond flour porridge is thicker with a nice flavor of almonds. Both recipes can be cooked on the stove or in the microwave making them the perfect low carb hot cereal option.
Low Carb Cereal (hot)
Almond Flour Porridge (keto, paleo)
(2 NC without fruit, 6 NC as shown)
Blueberry Coconut Flour Porridge [VIDEO]
Low Carb Cereal (granola, cold)
There’s nothing like pouring a bowl of low carb cereal with almond milk for an easy morning breakfast. These low carb granola and low carb muesli recipes are made from nuts and seeds resulting in a nourishing sugar free, gluten free, and grain free breakfast option. Because they are very nutritionally dense, enjoy a small portion. Enjoy a spoonful on full fat Greek yogurt or ice cream.
Low Carb Cereal (granola, cold)
Really Good Low Carb Granola
6 NC per ½ cup
Low Carb Macadamia Nut Granola With Berries and Flaked Coconuts
5 NC per ½ cup
Muesli Cereal for a Keto Paleo Breakfast
Crock Pot Grain-Free Low-Carb Sugar-Free Granola
Fennel & Ginger Grain Free Granola
Gerbs Super 5 Seed Granola
Low Carb Granola Bars (healthy, sugar free, grain free, gluten free)
Low carb granola bars aren’t just a great low carb snack option, they’re a perfect grab and go breakfast. These grain free recipes are made from nuts and seeds, but you would be hard pressed to taste the difference. Add small amounts of unsweetened dried fruit or new nut and seed combinations to make new low carb granola bar varieties.
[NOTE:] Store low carb cereal and low carb granola in airtight containers and glass jars. Low carb granola bars can also be stored in airtight containers but low carb chewy granola bars should also be refrigerated.
Low Carb Granola Bars (healthy, sugar free, grain free, gluten free)
Sugar Free Low Carb Granola Bars with Chocolate Chips
6 NC with unsweetened fruit, 4 NC without fruit
Sugar & Grain Free Granola Bars - easy blender recipe
Cranberry Chocolate Chip Granola Bars
BEST Sugar-free Keto Low Carb Granola Bars Recipe
(This post contains affiliate links. Purchasing through these links may result in my earning a small commission at no cost to you.)
I think
Hi, do you know Pronutro wheat free cereal. Can I use it on keto? Thanks
Hi Lee. I looked it up and it is made from corn. One serving delivers 25 carbs - more than my whole day of carb allotment. Some people, those that can eat at 100 carbs a day may be able to eat this, but I would guess that it would spike blood sugars and insulin - something we try to avoid on a low carb diet. -Kim
Hi Kim....have you heard of ''RED RIVER'' cereal? Is this something that I should avoid?
Hi Carl. I had never heard of it and upon research, it appears that Smucker's (the parent company) does not make it available for sale in the States. I looked at the ingredients and it lists: cracked wheat, cracked rye, cracked and whole flax seeds and rice. At 27g carbs and 5g fiber, it would me my whole days worth of carbs. However, some people who do low carb diets can eat 100 carbs a day and still lose/maintain weight. If this is you, it might be something you can have. Most people on a ketogenic diet avoid grains as they tend towards inflammation. Other's would not eat this product because it would cause too much of an insulin spike for them. I hope I answered your question. -Kim
Mary Moody
I had found that ground flax seed meal makes a wonderful hot cereal. I measure 1/4 cup of flax seed meal to 1/2 cup of water. I add apple pie spices & apple candy flavoring and a little butter. I microwave it 1 1/2 - 2 minutes. It will thicken like oatmeal. It is so good.
Hi Judy. Some people can enjoy small amounts of fruit on a low carb keto diet while others can not. I always use fruit as a garnish and stick to 1 ounce at any given time. I choose the smallest fruits I can find because it tricks me into thinking that there is more. If I enjoy a little apple, I make those slices as thin as I can and it probably doesn't even equate to an 8th of a small apple. If I shared photos of just plain porridge, with a spoon in it, it would not be appetizing to look at. As with everything in life, use common sense and make the decisions that are best for you. I offer subs and ideas in the posts and recipes. Enjoy the recipes. -Kim
Pls help support me in my keto journey by sending me directions on what to do each day .
Hi Victoria. Start by reading this article called Low Carb Diet Beginner's Guide. You can access it and more by clicking "Articles" at the top of the page. I also have a food list and two articles about sweeteners. Then you begin cooking and eating. Unfortunately, I do not have a meal plan at this time. -Kim
Dwayne R
Keto it's so easy!!
WR make it tough by thinking it's difficult!!!!
I can say that because it's exactly how I started.
Keep it simple simple!!!
Meal prep
Choose your protein
Choose your side dish or low carb veggie
Add a salad on the side, or a second side dish/veggie
Most people do well on keto at around 20-50 grands of carb per day and this sounds awful until you realize, you can eat like a king, for the carb equivalent, OR LESS, of a lousy sandwich!!!!
Step one
Find a recipe your interested in
Gather the ingredients and try it
If it's a hit, keep it and maybe yeah it to your preference.
If it bombs, find another and try again.
There are literally THOUSANDS of recipes flirting around out here in cyber space and Google knows where they're all at!!!
Practice practice practice
Grab a nutrition tracker like My Fitnesspal or keep log and enter your foods
I like keto log for this because it's manual and you don't have the confusion or errors that can be found in some of the other apps.
Plan out a day off meals and just enter the info
Compare your totals to where you want to start and see how you did.
Then think a bit
Can you swap this meal for a better meal??
This ingredient for the other one???
Testing this ahead of time will give you invaluable practice at getting on target and cut down your frustration once you begin for real.
At first, I tell folks to just pick simple whole foods and to keep the individual food counts to lessen than five total grams per serving.
So if a food is more than five grams for one serving, it's on the sorry list.
Plan simple meals
To begin with
Maybe a hamburger patty or chicken breast of a though and a drumstick
Cut green beans, frozen or fresh, canned if it contains no junk or sugar
A third of medium size cucumber, peeled and sliced into medallions
Half of a yellow or red bell pepper sliced into wedges
A fresh spinach salad with some of your favorite veggies
Drop some butter on top of the Patty, not for the fat itself but for the flavor.
Start simple
Move to"fancy" as you progress
My teacher used to say
Perfect practice makes perfect performance
Well, to be honest, I never did like that dude so I don't like his motto but there's some truth to it.
If you practice right
You'll get it right much faster than you would if you just jumped in and went hog wild.
Grab a keto foods list
Start practicing your meals in the app
Eat basic simple meals out together from the keto list until you can put the beginning pieces together relatively easily.
Give yourself time to learn it and don't be thinking bad things off yourself if you have to chunk it all and start fresh!!!!
None of us are born into this, it is a process we must learn and it costs everything we've been taught about Nutrition for half a century!!!
I will come by saying there is one provision
Diabetic keto is slightly different than normal keto.
We must limit foods other keto followers can have simply because our glucose response is exaggerated to even"harmless things" as fruit and nuts.
Some, myself included, find we must entirely avoid some keto approved foods, in my career tomatoes-which I LOVE- because even a keto ShopRite portion had a large impact on my glucose.
For clarity,
I use keto to manage my glucose and have for three plus of the four plus years I have been medication free.
The usual disclaimer
You should discuss your diet change with your doctor prior to embarking upon it and your doctor should be willing to adjust or eliminate any medication that is medically safe to do so
Many doctors refuse to lower our diabetic medications, choosing instead to raise our carb level and it saddens me to no end!!!! So be sure your doctor is aware of both your plan AND your wishes!!!!
Wishing you much success!!!!
Dwayne R
Dwayne R
I apologize for the typos
My tablet loves making me sounds like an idiot
I have had only a couple of minutes to review the site but so far I'm loving. Recipes alone are worth signing up for newsletter. Thanks so much for all the information. I am on day 3 of the low carb lifestyle and need all the help I can get.
Hi Kimberly. Congratulations on the third day of your low carb journey. The first week is the hardest, so finding some foods you enjoy is important. Good luck. There are many low carb Facebook Groups out there for support. -Kim
Shirley Neuser
The choices of low carb are better than they were in 2007 and earlier. Thank you. I am gluten intolerant, lactose intolerant. Have lost 30 lbs but got to a plateau. I figure I need to lay off the rice crackers. I hope this is the answer.
They sure are, Shirley. Since most of these are nut based, you may need to be particularly careful with portion size if you've hit a plateau. I really love the almond flour porridge with the Sukrin Almond Flour. It's super low carb and you can put anything on it (with in reason). I hope you find something you like.
Maya | Wholesome Yum
Great cereal collection here! Thanks for including my sugar-free Kind bars.
My pleasure, Maya.
How do I get started. .I am almost there. Trying to give up there to give up carbs but just can't seem to be able to take that last little step. .fighting with myself when I am tiered and stressed out. Help please
Hi Roseanne. It can be hard to start especially when stressed out. Here is an idea to help you ease into a low carb lifestyle. First, know that I am not a nutritionist nor a doctor. There were times I thought I would go out of my mind without a piece of low carb cheesecake in the morning. I'm not a big egg eater and that saved my life until I found how easy quiches were to make and how much I loved them. If you are craving something, eat something - as long as it is low carb. There were days I ate all day long - there were also days I ate very little. For me it was all or nothing. Cheat days didn't work for me because they brought back cravings. If you are stressed out and need something sweet - make a protein smoothie with ice (look at my smoothie bowl recipe). It is much better to go a little over your calories and carbs than to have a pig out. I hope these simple ideas help. Have a wonderful week and good luck. -Kim
I'm always looking for easy breakfast ideas. Thanks for including Low Carb Yum!